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May 31, 2021

Despite Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) being ever-present, the technology is still relatively new. Some consider IBM’s time-sharing computing as one of SaaS’s early relatives. Large computers were extremely expensive back in the 1960s, so commercial bureaus would sell computer time to remote users. Personal computers eventually replaced time-sharing, but the blueprint was there for more to come....

April 25, 2021

Air-conditioning load calculation tools allow engineers to comprehensively analyse alternative building elements such as glazing, thermal insulation and low energy lighting to facilitate the selection of alternative types of air conditioning systems. CAMEL has been the industry standard calculation tool used by mechanical engineers for the last 40 years and if you haven’t already heard,...

April 22, 2021

Put simply – digital design is any design created to interact with a digital device (computer, smart device, etc). This might sound simple, but how digital design is revolutionizing the way we construct and manage everything from aeroplanes to buildings is truly remarkable. Within the digital design world, graphic design plays a part. However, graphic...

March 25, 2021

Perpetual Licenses No Longer a Monopoly Believe it or not, there were days when we saved up for months for software licenses. Some were quite pricey, and as such, a major investment for firms and individuals alike. Known as the perpetual license model, prior to Software as a Service (SaaS), these licenses were the only...

February 24, 2021

Buildings aren’t cheap. They aren’t cheap to build and certainly aren’t cheap to maintain. Even the most thought-out and pondered-over maintenance cost spreadsheet will invariably include line items for those extra expenses that were never considered. In terms of energy expenses, one of the most considerable in any building is space cooling. If you’re reading...

January 21, 2021

Intelligence is needed to adapt to unexpected conditions. As far as professions go, engineers are an intellectually curious bunch. Tasked with figuring out tough problems with laser-like precision, one could argue that engineers are primed for adaptability. Engineers, among many other professions, were dispatched to work from home for most of 2020. Some speculated that...

January 16, 2021

One of the most popular words of 2020 was ‘remote’. While remote control devices have always been popular, there’s a new kind of remote in town. The state of work has seen a new trend emerge: remote working. The pandemic sent most of us scrambling to IKEA to establish a new home-based office. We learned...

October 27, 2020

Despite living in a digital world, accessing what you want when you need it can still be a challenge. Limiting productivity to a specific computer can stop you from getting your critical work done. But it doesn’t have to be this way. SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions help you stay close to the tools...

April 21, 2020

From the feedback we have received from the surveys so far, we have been able to implement and adjust our software updates accordingly in line with user feedback. The prime focus has been to make our products more accessible to you, and with more flexible and economical options than currently on offer. As we are...

The user interface for HYENA+ is much cleaner and more user friendly than the UI used for the original HYENA program. This makes the experience more enjoyable, easy, and less taxing when using the program for long periods of time. HYENA is an excellent tool to have and its now web-based nature with HYENA+ has allowed it to become even more beneficial.

– M. Cummings

It has always been a pleasure dealing with ACADS-BSG team due to their helpful nature and quick response time to any inquiries and technical issues. Camel\Hyena works out of the box and install time is in seconds, I cannot recommend any other company that provides better customer service other than Catherine and her team.

– Marvin D

Catherine and the team at ACADS provide customer service of the highest standards always offering the best solutions for our business with fast response times. I would highly recommend ACADS-BSG.

– Amy

The ACADS BSG suite of software has been used by VOS Group for 30 years. We as a company have grown as the software capabilities have changed with usability and technology. The support from head office has always been quick and accurate, with a resolve to overcome any obstacles. We have always found the outputs to be accurate and reliable and a good basis for good engineering design.

– Shayne C

Moving to a cloud based platform has improved the overall performance of the software. [being able to log in from any device] has improved my overall productivity as I only need to carry my smart phone or a tablet, and I can do my job remotely. Tools and functions are clearly organised within the new interface reducing any confusion for a new user. Copy+ Paste option saves a lot of time for Engineers like me. It just works like an Excel Sheet, where you can copy items and paste them somewhere else. It saves a lot of time especially if you are working on a single project and you want to do multiple calculations.

[HYENA+] allows me to quickly switch from one calculation to another without losing any data. This has reduced the overall lead time in doing calculations. I am sure [HYENA+] will have a positive impact on the Fire Industry.

– Ahkil M